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Housing options for older people

There are many housing options for older people in West Oxfordshire including:

Extra care housing

Extra care housing offers more support to residents than sheltered housing - it offers:

  • Accommodation that is self contained and grouped around communal facilities

  • Care, as well as support, available to people who need it.

The flats offer a mix of rented, shared ownership and discounted sale units.

Preference is given to re-housing people aged 55 or over either living in West Oxfordshire or, wanting to come to this area for support from close relatives.

To apply for extra care housing please complete this form:

If you are already a tenant of a housing association and are resident in the District, you will need to complete a transfer application form.


Abbeyfield houses provide Supported Sheltered housing. The houses are either purpose built or adapted from existing buildings with added facilities to make them suitable.

To apply you need to:

  • be over 55 years of age
  • enjoy living in a house with a group of other residents and
  • be sufficiently mobile. 

Preference is normally given to applicants in greatest need.

Abbeyfield have one house in Chadlington. For more information visit:


Almshouses are run by charitable trusts. Each charity has a policy on who it will assist, for example, residents who live in a particular area, or workers who have retired from a certain trade.

A resident occupies an almshouse as a beneficiary of a charity and does not have the same legal rights as a tenant elsewhere. An individual’s rights as a resident will be outlined in a letter of appointment provided by the trustees.

There are almshouses in the following places:

  • Witney
  • Burford
  • Chipping Norton.

Almshouse trusts usually let the District Council know when they have vacancies but you can also apply to them direct. To find out about vacancies in:

  • Witney – call 07801 549434
  • Burford – call 01993 822894

Further information about the options available can be found in the:

For more information on living independently see the Oxfordshire County Council website: 

If you would like to discuss your housing requirements, contact us to arrange to see a housing adviser. If you can't get to our offices in Witney, we may be able to arrange a home visit.

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