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Website help

We've tried to make our website as easy as possible for everyone to use but we understand some extra guidance below may be useful. If you are still having problems, please contact us

If you’re new to web, there's a free online course at: BBC Webwise

Logging into our planning system

You will need to set up an account to track applications on our Public Access planning system, even if you have already registered an account on our website as the two systems are separate.

Register on Public Access

Help in other languages

You can ask us to translate key Council information and leaflets into a variety of languages. To do this: 

  • Ask an English-speaking friend or relative to phone Customer Services for you on telephone number 01993 861000.
  • Or visit us at the Town Centre shop on Welch Way and ask for assistance using our translation and interpreting service which will put you in touch with a telephone based interpreter who can help you communicate with members of Council staff.


Jak uzyskać informacje od lokalnych władz w języku polskim?

Najważniejsze informacje i ulotki dotyczące lokalnych władz na żądanie mogą zostać przetłumaczone na różne języki. Mogą Państwo zapytać znajomego lub członka rodziny kto posługuje się językiem angielskim o kontakt telefoniczny w Państwa imieniu z Biurem Obsługi Klienta pod numerem 01993 861000.

Możliwe jest również uzyskanie informacji bezpośrednio w lokalnym urzędzie pod podanym niżej adresem, gdzie za pomocą naszego systemu zostaną Państwo telefonicznie połaczeni z tłumaczem, który pomoże porozumieć się z naszymi pracownikami.


Como obter informação do Concelho em outras línguas?

As Informações e panfletos podem ser traduzidos em variadas línguas se pedido. Pede a um amigo que fale Inglês ou a um familiar para contactar o Serviço de atendimento ao cliente no teu lugar ligando para o número 01993 861000.

Como alternativa podes visitar-nos no seguinte endereço e pedir ajuda recorrendo ao nosso serviço de tradução e intérprete, o qual te vai por em linha com um intérprete que te pode ajudar a comunicar com os membros do concelho.

Town Centre Shop
3 Welch Way
OX28 6JH
Telephone: 01993 861000

Downloading files from the website

All downloadable documents on this website are in Adobe Acrobat PDF format and you will need Adobe Acrobat Reader to view and print them. This is free software and can be downloaded from:

Features of the website

Here are some features of the website which you might find useful:

Online forms

Please fill in the online forms to report problems or request council services online. The information in the request is recorded in our customer services system so that we can deal with the request as efficiently as possible.

Follow the steps below:

  • follow the on-screen instructions
  • click on Submit when you’ve filled in all the boxes to send the request to us
  • view the confirmation screen
  • receive a confirmation email if you have given an email address.

Pay and report on the website

 You can do the following on the website:

More help

Fill in a website feedback form Report a problem with the website