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Help if you're struggling with living costs

The cost of living crisis affects all of us across society as the prices of everyday essentials are rising. We understand that many across West Oxfordshire are struggling to make ends meet.

A lot of support is available both nationally and locally that you might be able to access to help during these challenging times. We have listed below all the benefits, financial relief schemes, local support groups and other avenues for you to explore that might be able to help.

There are also schemes we provide at West Oxfordshire District Council such as the Council Tax Support scheme and support for people on housing benefit who can’t make their rent.

Many people aren’t aware that they can claim this support so please do take the time to check what you might be eligible for and let others know that they may be eligible for help.

Councillor Andy Graham – Leader of West Oxfordshire District Council

Check you’re not one of up to 7 million people in the UK missing out on income-related state benefits

An estimated £15bn of benefits are believed to go unclaimed each year. Use a free benefits calculator to find out what you could be entitled to.

Or contact Citizens Advice West Oxfordshire for one-to-one help to do this.

If you are turned down for a benefit, seek advice on whether to challenge the decision. Many benefit decisions are overturned, and organisations like Citizens Advice can offer advice about challenges.

If you’re over State Pension age, check if you’re eligible for Pension Credit

Pension Credit (0800 99 1234) provides extra money for living costs and access to other help. Around a third of eligible pensioners don’t claim Pension Credit – often because they don't know they can or that they need to. Find out if you’re eligible and how much you could get using the Pension Credit calculator. People of State Pension age may be entitled to Pension Credit even though they may have modest savings, or a retirement income or own their own home. An award of Pension Credit can provide access to a range of other benefits such as help with housing costs, Council Tax, heating bills and, for those aged 75 or over, a free TV licence.

Check if you can claim a Discretionary Housing Payment

If Housing Benefit or Universal Credit doesn't cover all your rent, check to see if you can make a claim for a Discretionary Housing Payment.

Check if you're eligible for Council Tax Support

You may be eligible for Council Tax support through West Oxfordshire District Council if you receive certain benefits or are on low income. You can find out more on our website here.

Help if you’re experiencing illness or disability

Check if you or your family may be entitled to benefits for those experiencing illness or disability. 

Check your eligibility for Carer's Allowance

If you are a carer, you may be entitled to Carer’s Allowance and/or an extra amount called the ‘carer element’ within Universal Credit. This could mean £76.75 a week in Carer's Allowance if you care for someone at least 35 hours a week and you, the person you care for and the type of care you provide meets the criteria.

Support from your energy supplier

Contact your energy supplier if you are struggling to pay for energy or think you may get into difficulty. If you already have energy debts, some larger suppliers offer grants to help pay this off.

Many of the energy suppliers are providing support for people during this crisis. Check your supplier's website or call them to find out what support they can provide:

The Better Housing Better Health service, provides free, local telephone support to help people stay warm and well in their homes (e.g energy advice, support with energy bills, applying for energy efficiency grants etc.). In addition, certain residents might be eligible for a home visit for those people where the telephone isn’t as effective in working out what help is available for them. Residents can contact the BHBH service directly by calling the free phone helpline on 0800 107 0044 (Mon-Fri, 9am – 5pm) or can be referred directly via the BHBH website.

Improve the energy efficiency of your home

There are a number of grants available which provide funding for households to upgrade energy inefficient homes to help them reduce energy use, make homes warmer and healthier, and keep energy costs under control.

For guidance on how to save energy and improving the energy efficiency of your home go to our Energy efficiency, advice and grants webpage.

Get help if you're struggling to afford enough food

If you are struggling to afford food and/or are in fuel need contact Citizens Advice West Oxfordshire.

Good Food Oxford

Good Food Oxford is continuously updating the Oxfordshire food access map to signpost anyone in food need to community food services such as foodbanks, community larders, and food projects. Most foodbanks require a referral to access them - this can come for example from a doctor, housing association, local council or charity. Larders and fridges do not work on a referral basis and provide either low cost or free food which otherwise would go to waste. Go to: 

Food Waste Apps

The Too Good To Go app lists unsold food from local shops and restaurants and allows you to purchase it at a discount so it doesn't go to waste. Find out more and download the app from:

The OLIO app helps surplus local food to be used, not thrown away. This could be food nearing its sell-by date in local stores, spare home-grown vegetables, bread from a bakery, or unwanted groceries. Find out more and download the app from:

Get help with childcare costs

Over one million families are missing out on up to £2,000 a year towards childcare costs – check what help you could get. Use this calculator to find out how much you could get towards approved childcare, including: free childcare for children aged between two and four help with childcare costs if your child is under 16 (or under 17 and disabled).

See if you can get Healthy Start vouchers

If you're at least ten weeks pregnant or have a child under four years old, you might be able to get free vitamins and Healthy Start (0300 330 7010) vouchers for milk, fruit and vegetables and infant formula milk.

Apply for free school meals

If you or your child receive certain benefits, you can apply for free school meals from Year 3 and above.

Seek advice about debt

If you’re in debt, seek advice early rather than let things spiral out of control.

Contact the following for help.

The Money Helper website has useful guides related to dealing with debt.

The Household Support Fund

The Household Support Fund is administered through Oxfordshire County Council and used to help support people across the county with the cost of living.

Find out more at:

Support if you are struggling to pay rent or mortgage costs

If you are struggling to pay rent or your mortgage there is a range of help available. 

Support if you are struggling to pay rent

If you are renting privately and struggling to pay your rent there is advice on what you can do on the website here.

If you are on Housing Benefit or Universal Credit and it doesn't cover all your rent, check to see if you can make a claim for a Discretionary Housing Payment.

Advice if you are struggling to pay your mortgage

If you are struggling to make mortgage payments, always speak to your mortgage provider as early as possible as they may be able to support you. You can also contact Citizens Advice for financial advice.

If you are at risk of homelessness

If you are homeless or threatened with homelessness please contact us as soon as possible so we can provide advice and support. Find out more on this page.

Apply for a discount on water bills

Households on low income can apply for financial support through their local water provider. Please visit their website to see what support is available.

If you are not sure who your provider is you can use the postcode search.

Cutting costs around broadband costs

Broadband is essential for many people now working from home and can be a significant monthly cost for households.

If you are looking to reduce your broadband costs or struggling to pay there is a range of helpful advice on the Ofcom website here.

If you are claiming Universal Credit, Pension Credit and some other benefits you could be eligible for ‘Social Tariffs’ that cost less than normal packages. The Ofcom website has information on ‘Social Tariffs’.

Looking after your mental health

We all see our mental health go up and down. We all face times when we have lower mood, stress or anxiety. Where these feelings and experiences persist, impacting our lives and making it difficult to cope with everyday activities, then this is a mental health problem. Sometimes there are things you can change for yourself to make things better. Take time to check how you’re feeling and if you are worried about anything talk to someone. Getting help early can make all the difference.

Key support and contacts in Oxfordshire

There are several resources available if you need to talk to someone on any topic regarding your mental health. Here are some below:

  • Oxfordshire Safe Haven - Our warm and friendly team are here to offer support to adults (18+) living in Oxfordshire either in person or at the end of the phone. Nobody should suffer alone – please call us. Phone 01865 903 037 Email [email protected]
    Open from 12pm – 9.30pm, 7 days a week
  • Connection Support is a local charity that provides flexible and tailored support and advice to adults and families. You can contact them on 01865 711267.
  • The Mind Guide (Mental health services directory in Oxfordshire)
  • The Youth in Mind Guide (Young people's mental health services in Oxfordshire)

In the event of a crisis here are some organisations who can help

  • Text SHOUT to 85258. This is a free 24/7 crisis text service run by Shout
  • Papyrus UK – Prevention of young suicide 0800 068 4141
  • Campaign Against Living Miserably (CALM) 0800 58 58 58Designed to engage men, provides listening services, information and support for anyone who needs to talk, including a web chat.

Other helpful resources


Help accessing health services

Through the NHS there is a range of support to help people access health services such as support with travel costs and financial support for people on low income. Find out more on the NHS website.

Help if you, or someone you know, is suffering domestic abuse

Domestic abuse is a pattern of abusive and controlling behaviour. It is any incident of threatening behaviour, violence or abuse (psychological, physical, sexual, financial or emotional)

If you or someone you know is being abused contact Oxfordshire Domestic Abuse service on  0800 731 0055. If there's a risk to life, please call 999 or text 999.

More information on support can be found at

Support for those in the Armed Forces

The Royal British Legion has launched the Everyday Needs Grant, providing up to £2,400 over 12 months for members of the Armed Forces community, including the Royal Navy, British Army, Royal Air Force, veterans and their families.

For more information go to their website:

Help if you're a pet owner

If you're a pet owner who's struggling to cope with the cost of food or healthcare, the RSPCA offers a range of advice and support:

Support available in your community

For a list of support available across the district, including community groups and local organisations that can help people who are struggling with the cost of living see our webpage here.

Further support from Government

You can find out more about what support is being provided by Government to help with the cost of living by visiting

See the government's 'Cost of living support factsheet' for all additional support available.

External support

There are a range of external support agencies who may be able to offer further advice and support.

Ways you can help support others

If you want to help others, see here for how you can support your local community through the cost of living crisis.