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Climate action you can take

Climate Action Oxfordshire

The Climate Action Oxfordshire website lists a whole range of actions that can be taken at home and in the local community to help tackle climate change and to reduce carbon emissions. Each action is and rated according to effort, impact, and cost. 

Climate Action Oxfordshire allows topics to be filtered so that visitors can easily find information relevant to their budget and lifestyle. The site also offers an idea of the financial savings that can be made and includes tips and links on how to get started.

From small changes such as washing clothes on a cold cycle, creating a wildflower area or using rechargeable batteries, to recycling more, eating less meat, and – for those with a bigger budget – fitting solar panels or purchasing an electric vehicle, the website is full of practical things that can be done.

This one stop shop has sections dedicated to actions that can be taken as an individual as well as highlighting what community groups, organisations and businesses can do to take on this global issue and includes advice on transport, lifestyle, shopping, home and biodiversity.

Climate Action Oxfordshire is a joint venture set up by Oxfordshire County Council, Oxford City Council, West Oxfordshire District Council, Cherwell District Council, South Oxfordshire District Council, Vale of White Horse District Council and Oxfordshire Local Enterprise Partnership (OxLEP).


If you are considering what actions you can take to reduce your environmental impact, there are lots of things you can do. Friends of the Earth offer advice on how to switch to a greener lifestyle and  WWF offer tips on sustainable living.

Calculate your carbon footprint

You can take the sustainable living quiz developed by the WWF to test how large your carbon footprint is and get some tips on how to reduce it.

Reduce your waste

Every time you buy or use a product, for example clothing, electrical goods, food, water, household items, there will be an environmental footprint associated with it.

To reduce the environmental impact:

  • consider if you really need it
  • buy items that are made to last, have low-energy ratings and are sustainably sourced or manufactured
  • try and reuse or recycle items
  • donate extra food to your local food bank so it does not go to waste
  • get rid of your food waste with our food waste recycling scheme

Save water

Go to Waterwise for tips on how to save water at home.

Travel sustainably

Where possible use public transport, walk or cycle. If you need to drive then try Oxfordshire Liftshare which offers a car sharing matching service.

Switch to an electric vehicle. You can use the West Oxfordshire ZapMap to locate public electric charging points across the District. We are installing Electric Vehicle Charging Points to help increase the use of electric vehicles across the District.

Protect and enhance wildlife

The Local Wildlife Trust has details of where your nearest nature reserve is.

To help attract wildlife to your garden visit the RSPB website or the Wildlife trust website.

We support two local nature conservation projects which are looking for volunteers: