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Council performance

We actively manage our performance because we are committed to providing high quality services that are value for money. 

Our vision and priorities are detailed in our council plan. The plan outlines our objectives and the key actions we are taking to achieve each priority. We actively manage our performance to help us achieve our priorities. 

How we manage service performance

Each year the teams behind our services produce plans that set out what they propose to do and how our priorities will be achieved. We then collect data about how the service is performing so we can manage how we are doing. Senior managers and councillors use this information to help make decisions about:

  • where to direct resources
  • the action needed to deal with poor performance

Reports are made quarterly to Executive and the various Overview and Scrutiny Committees.

Annual audit of the council

Our council accounts are audited by external auditors, Grant Thornton. Their findings are set out in an Annual Audit Letter, which is published each year when available. See our Statement of accounts for further info.

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